About Us
Family Owned & Operated Since 1994

Our Story
After acquiring his degree in Forestry Products from Virginia Tech, Southwest Virginia native, Dwayne Ball, returned to his hometown area to establish his first company, Ball Log Homes and Construction.
Dwayne’s knowledge of wood materials and their marketable use, his experience and natural abilities as a craftsman, and his intense work ethic set him on course to realize immediate success in his new venture. Hand-carving wood components and erecting log homes was often accompanied by laying stone on foundation walls, chimneys, and fireplaces. Not realizing it at the time, his hours spent woodcarving and dovetailing would soon turnout a ‘true life’ metaphoric masterpiece.
In 1994, Dwayne was approached with an opportunity to purchase a small Sandstone Quartzite quarry in Tumbling Creek, Virginia. His enjoyment for working with natural building materials and the anticipation of a challenge sealed the deal. BOULDER LOOK STONE COMPANY was established.
For the past eighteen years, Dwayne has been literally carving out a company in the market of supplying and distributing natural stone products. From the beautiful hillsides of Southwest Virginia, his hardworking and dedicated employees share in his passion and work with him to harvest a variety of fieldstone to be used as wall veneer, stacked veneer, building stone, flagging, steps, landscape accents, water features, etc.
As the awareness of ‘Build Responsibly’ continues to grow, BOULDER LOOK STONE COMPANY works to expand its offerings. Its Company Store supplies builders, designers, landscapers, and homeowners with natural building stone products, landscape materials, poplar bark shingles, and other building enhancement materials.Unveiled in2011, Boulder Look Stone added a unique line of home furnishings and home décor to the retail store location.
We welcome you to explore our store in Bristol, Virginia — as BOULDER LOOK STONE COMPANY continues to forge ahead into new frontiers!

Call Us
Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 5 pm